
En omfattende liste over transportenheter som kan benyttes sammen med Kemppi-produkter

- Master MLS™ 1600, 2500, 3500Svart transportenhet fra Kemppi

- MasterTig MLS™ 2000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000 with Mastercool 10
- Master, MasterTig 2200
- Master MLS™ 1600, 2500, 3500
- MasterTig MLS™ 2000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000
- Master, MasterTig 2200
- MasterTig MLS™ 2300 ACDC
- Master, MasterTig 2200
- Master 5001
- MasterTig AC/DC 2500, 2500W, 3500W
- Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200
 -Master MLS™ 1600, 2500, 3500
- MasterTig MLS™ 2000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000 with Mastercool 10
- MasterTig MLS™ 2300 ACDC (with MasterCool 20)
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000
- MasterTig MLS™ 3000, 4000 with Mastercool 10
- Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200
- Master 5001
- FastMig™ Basic + Synergic *
* FastMig™ T10 requires mounting kit, order number W002085
 -MasterTig AC/DC 2500, 2500W, 3500W
 -FastMig™ Basic + Synergic + Pulse
 -FastMig™ Basic + Synergic (used with PSL 55 auxiliary unit)
 -Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200
- WeldForce™
- Kempact™ Pulse 3000 + Kempact™ Cool 10
- Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200 + ProMig / ProTig (P 40)
- Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200 + ProMig / ProTig + ProCool 30 (PSL 55)
- WeldForce™
-Kemppi Pro Evolution 3200, 4200, 5200 + ProMig / ProTig + ProCool 10
- WeldForce™
- ProMig 200, 300, 501
- KempoWeld / Wire
- WeldForce™
- FastMig™ Basic + Synergic
- KempoWeld / Wire
- WeldForce™
 - Kempact™ MIG 2520, 2530
- Kempact™ Pulse 3000, 2800 Automotive
 - Kempact™ MIG 2520, 2530
- Kempact™ Pulse 3000, 2800 Automotive
- Kempact™ Pulse 3000 + KempactCool 10

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